Legal Support Quickly & Affordably

Get quick access to legal advice and support without the high cost of a family lawyer.

My tailored family law consulting services provide affordable and compassionate legal guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of family law. As a seasoned family lawyer with 15 years of experience in British Columbia, I understand the emotional and financial toll that a separation or divorce can take on individuals and families.

Tailored & Affordable Services & Virtual Meetings for Convenience

With unbundled legal services and virtual meetings, I provide the flexibility and accessibility you need to manage the separation or divorce process efficiently and effectively. As your family law consultant, rely on me to guide you through this challenging period and offer the essential support you need.

Why Choose A Family Law Consultant?

As a professional family law consultant, I offer comprehensive services to help you effectively manage your separation or divorce's legal, emotional, and financial aspects. Trust in my expertise and support to navigate this challenging time. Here are the key benefits of working with me:

  • Lower Costs: My fees are significantly lower than those of a family lawyer, allowing you to save money while still getting the legal guidance and support you need.
  • Customized Guidance: I provide unbundled, tailored advice and strategy based on the specifics of your case, helping you make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Empowered Decision-Making: My goal is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, resources, and other professionals you need to control as much of the separation or divorce process as possible when it is your goal to represent yourself or use a mediator.
  • Emotional Support: The separation or divorce process can be emotionally challenging. If required, I will help you assess your emotional needs and direct you to the appropriate professional.
  • Extensive Experience: With 15 years of experience practicing family law in British Columbia, I have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the separation or divorce process.

I provide legal advice tailored to your goals to help you prepare for mediation sessions and make informed decisions that will impact your financial future. My approach is compassionate, and I strive to help you navigate the separation or divorce process confidently and clearly.

Who Might Choose A Family Law Consultant?

A family law consultant can provide the guidance and support you need while allowing you to take an active role in your legal matters. Here are some situations where choosing a family law consultant might be the perfect fit for you:

  • Spouses who are fair, collaborative and want to settle with their spouse.
  • Someone who wants to manage their own legal matter but wants to hire a legal professional for one piece of legal work.
  • Individuals who are educated and motivated to do their own research and solve their own problems.
  • People who are willing to act as their own advocates.
  • Those who do not want to or cannot afford to hire a family lawyer to represent them throughout their separation or divorce.
  • Individuals who want to do as much as they can in terms of preparing, organizing, researching and negotiating their case.
  • Someone who wants someone in their corner holding them accountable as the client progresses the client's own case.

If you resonate with any of these scenarios, a family law consultant can be your trusted ally throughout your separation or divorce. Take control of your legal matters while receiving professional guidance and support.

Contact us today to explore how a family law consultant can assist you in achieving a fair and successful resolution tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

Together, we can navigate the complexities of family law and help you move forward confidently.

Services Offered

Let me guide you through the process

I recommend that you retain my services before engaging a mediator. I can help you to understand your rights and obligations and ensure you do not compromise your interests in the negotiation. I can offer the following services in mediation or other parts of your separation process:

  • Legal advice and information about family law in British Columbia, including property division, child and spousal support, and guardianship of children.
  • Strategy advice tailored to the specifics of your case.
  • Preparation and strategic advice for mediation or negotiation with your spouse.
  • Help to compile relevant financial information.
  • Provide or assist in locating relevant legal forms and filling them out.
  • Show you how to serve and file documents, including letters, answers, Motions, Responses, Financial Statements, Notices of Motion, Affidavits, Offers to Settle, etc.
  • Review documents and provide advice.
  • Help find or provide appropriate documents.
  • Guide you through the court process.
  • Assist with legal research.
  • Provide information on necessary revisions.
  • Provide second opinions.
  • Provide calculations for spousal and child support and/or help you to locate the appropriate online support calculators and help you calculate income for support purposes.
  • Independent legal advice on Settlement Agreements, Prenuptial, or Cohabitation Agreements.
  • Notarize documents and affidavits.
  • Edit documents for clarity.
  • If you are using AI or ChatGPT to help you create computer-generated documents, I can review these documents with you.