Welcome to our Glossary of Important Terms to Know

We understand that divorce can involve complex legal concepts and terminology. We have compiled this comprehensive glossary to empower you with the knowledge to help you navigate the process with clarity and understanding. Familiarize yourself with these key terms to better comprehend the discussions around divorce and working with a divorce consultant.


Definition: Financial support paid by one spouse to the other after divorce or separation.

Explanation: Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is designed to address disparities in income and provide financial stability to the receiving spouse.

Child Custody:

Definition: Legal and practical arrangements for children's care, control, and upbringing after divorce or separation.

Explanation: Child custody determines where the child resides and who makes decisions regarding their welfare. It can include physical custody (where the child primarily resides) and legal custody (decision-making authority).

Child Support:

Definition: Financial support paid by one parent to the other for the well-being and upbringing of their child(ren) after divorce or separation.

Explanation: Child support ensures that both parents contribute to the child's financial needs, covering expenses such as education, healthcare, and daily care. 


Definition: A voluntary and confidential process where a neutral third party (mediator) helps divorcing or separating couples reach mutually acceptable agreements on various issues, such as property division and child custody.

Property Division:

Definition: The process of dividing assets, debts, and property acquired during the marriage between the divorcing spouses.

Settlement Agreement:

Definition: Also known as a Separation Agreement or Divorce Agreement, it is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by the divorcing spouses regarding child custody, support, property division, and other relevant matters.

Uncontested Divorce:

Definition: A divorce where both spouses reach an agreement on all issues without the need for court intervention or litigation.

Legal Separation:

Definition: A legal process that allows spouses to live separately while remaining married, typically involving formalized agreements on financial matters, child custody, and support.

Prenuptial Agreement:

Definition: A legally binding agreement entered into by a couple before marriage, outlining how assets, debts, and other matters would be divided in the event of divorce or separation.

Cohabitation Agreement:

Definition: A legal agreement between unmarried couples who live together, specifying their rights and responsibilities regarding property, finances, and other matters.

Custodial Parent:

Definition: The parent who has physical custody of the child(ren) and with whom they primarily reside after divorce or separation.

Non-Custodial Parent:

Definition: The parent who does not have physical custody of the child(ren) but may have visitation rights and is usually responsible for paying child support.

Parenting Plan:

Definition: A written agreement that outlines the arrangements and responsibilities for parenting, including child custody, visitation schedules, and decision-making authority.


Definition: The process of gathering information and evidence in a divorce case, including financial documents, witness statements, and other relevant materials.

Collaborative Divorce:

Definition: A divorce process where both spouses and their respective attorneys commit to resolving disputes through negotiation and cooperation rather than going to court.

Let us know how we can help you.

We hope this glossary has enhanced your understanding of the important terms associated with divorce and working with a divorce consultant. Remember, legal terminology can vary, so consult with a qualified divorce consultant or legal professional for guidance tailored to your situation. For further assistance, reach out to our team of experts who are dedicated to supporting you through the divorce process.